What’s has started as a calm breeze in Utah is now ramping up to be the wind of change. Utah citizens are rising up and saying “Enough is enough!”. It’s obvious that Utahns have been pushed too far. We are seeing historical changes in Utah with the passing of Prop 2.
I never thought in a million years though we would see the day that Utah would vote ‘YES’ on medical cannabis policy. It passed at 53% by Utah voters even after The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints and friends launched a massive propaganda, smear and fear campaign. Since our state legislature has shown nothing but contempt towards the Utah voters by gutting Prop 2, aka the “Mountain Marijuana Massacre”, followed by the swift destruction of Prop 3 (Medicaid Expansion). We already know the fate of Prop 4 (Gerrymandering), it’ll be next on the chopping block. Utah is obviously the nanny state poster child. The old guys up want to control every aspect of your life. These control freaks want to tell you what to do in your bedroom, your nightlife, meddle around in your medicine cabinet and cover up abuse. They claim they want “small government” and are supposedly constitutionalist but proved the polar opposite. After the Utah State Legislature trampled all over the will of the people and attacked our ballot initiative process, it’s apparent that they are half-assed representatives that don’t represent use and are nothing more than sock-puppets.
Ok, let’s get to the root of this article… The DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL (DABC)
Utah bars, restaurants and businesses are probably afraid to speak up and challenge them, fearing a massive reign of tyranny and repercussions to follow and that’s where the pissed off Utah citizens come in. A new Facebook Group called UTAHNS AGAINST THE DABC is calling out the Utah Good Ole Boy Network on their BS. These Utahns are not alone and this group gained 1,000 members in the first day and is rapidly growing. With over 1,500 members and the support and activity, I can promise Utah that this group is going to blowup . Utah Satire and utahmemes.com fully support their efforts. Many other Utah pages, groups and people are getting involved. Pages are definitely showing their enthusiasm.
Another page has popped up on our radar called the Utah Consumer Coalition and it looks like we could see another ballot initiative soon. Let’s vote out the Representatives and Senators that did not respect our constitution right to ballot initiatives the last time around. Do your research on who’s running and get rid of the clowns behind the “Compromise” HB 3001.

Utahns have been flocking to Lee’s Discount Liquor in Wendover, Nevada for their shopping needs. I guarantee that the same thing will happen with cannabis when Deep Roots Harvest Dispensary opens their doors.
I know y’all are mad about our Proportions. Stay Salty, My Friends.
Utah citizens are rising up and challenging the theocracy.
One entity